
Returburken appears on your doorstep!

Sep 9, 2023

Returburken appears outside your doorstep!

HEM’s Returburk is something as smart as a mobile recycling centre. It has been around for several years but had its premiere yesterday for its completely updated version where, among other things, specially built Sesams make it easier for everyone involved. HEM (Halmstads Energi och Miljö) rents out the recycling centre, including staff, to both municipal and private property companies that want to make it easier for their tenants to do the right thing when it comes to recycling and reuse. A highly appreciated service. Our Sesams are made for this task. They hold more waste in the same area compared to tipping containers, and they are emptied safely, quickly and easily when returning to the fixed recycling centre. The truck driver never has to leave the truck and still sees clearly when Sesame is empty.